Ever had one of those days, or two, or three, where you feel like the rug is just constantly being ripped out from under you emotionally, from every area of your life? Where everything suddenly catches you off guard and you wonder if maybe you just really haven't been paying attention; cause if you were, in fact, paying attention, maybe those things wouldn't have thrown you for such a giant loop?
Ever had one of those days, or two, or three, where when each day is finally over you feel like you have been whipped around on a roller coaster and now you just want off that ride? Where you wake up in the morning wondering if you actually had that conversation or if you had just had a bad dream? Where every misunderstanding is shocking to you?
Ever had one of those days, or two, or three, Where you just feel emotionally raw? Where you just want to go crawl up in bed and have a good cleansing cry? Where you really wish you could blame it all on "Aunt Flo" cause at least that would make some sense, but you can't cause it isn't even her week to visit you? Where you just wonder, What the mess...Where did that come from??
Ever had one of those days, or two, or three, where you know that you must cling to the truth of God's word, knowing that He never fails? Where you have to repeat over and over "I am clothed with strength and dignity" (Prov. 31:25) and "Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor. 10:5)? Where you have to consistently surrender all those burdens once again to the Lord? Where He is proven once again to be full of love and mercy, as He lifts you up again?
Ya, me too...
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